Wednesday, December 10, 2008

DIY City

If nostalgia for the bright lights of the big city have hit you, bring a little urban into your home with this do-it-yourself project from Swiss Miss.

Photos Courtesy of Swiss Miss.

Simply follow the instructions from swissmiss or reprinted for your convenience below:

1. download and print swissmiss_alpenglow.pdf
2. download swiss yodel mp3 at for alp pasture ambiance.
3. grab exactor knife, ruler & cutting mat.
4. proceed to cut out elements on page two with patience and love for detail.
5. assemble as indicated. put tealight behind alps. sit back and enjoy your swiss alpenglow*!

aaaaaand TA DA! Instant city, perfect for the holidays.

Tanya Romstad from Sweden's first submission to Swiss Miss as featured on their page. Enjoy!!